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Bret Knighton


Meet our President

Bret is an entrepreneur who, over his career, has bought, sold, or started five different businesses. His latest venture is Complete Technology Services.

Bret’s other ventures included owning Knighton Business Solutions, an office equipment dealership that sold and serviced Canon, Ricoh, and Samsung products. After experiencing exponential growth between 2010 and 2014 Bret and his brother sold Knighton Business Solutions to All Copy Products, a regional dealer out of Denver, Colorado.

In the fall of 2014 Bret Co-Founded Complete Legal Services. Complete Legal serves as a Kansas City-based litigation support company providing document scanning, eDiscovery, and Hosting solutions. After a couple of years with the company, Bret sold his Complete Legal shares to his partners, in order to focus his time on Complete Technology’s expanding business.

In addition, since 2006 Bret has held many roles with Office Business Solutions, an equipment finance company, before purchasing it in January of 2016. Prior to starting in business Bret earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Kansas State University, where he focused on Economics and Mass Communication. Bret’s studies laid a solid foundation for his future business leadership and ownership.

Bret was born and still lives in the Kansas City area with his wife Erin and their three kids Olivia, Charlie, and Margot. He enjoys coaching his children in sports and spending time with his family. During his free time, you can either find him at a Chiefs game or on the golf course.

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